Monday, April 30, 2012

A Little Bird Told Me....

Today I was told I am adventurous. Ok, maybe it was only for having Szechuan sauce on my wok instead of teriyaki, but When in Rome! My friends will kill me for writing that…. But the night is young and I feel like “When in Rome” fits perfectly… “Well when in Rome…Yes?... Uhm do as the Romans do?” NAME THAT FILM! (I’ll give a hint, ANCHORMAN!) Total fave! But perhaps I'm adventurous for wearing shorts and ballet flats on a shitty weather day. Ding ding ding, found the winner! You see I have this problem of dressing weather inappropriate. Last week it was dressing in all black and in warm clothes on a 80-some degree day. Today it was dressing way to cool, and quite frankly, these albino colored legs just couldn’t handle the heat… or lack there of. Top: Old Navy, Shorts: Gap, Shoes: Old Navy, Necklace: Vintage (unknown) 
Since I am in American History, I find it only fitting to have a remake pic of George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Almost identical. Almost Famous… Love  Billy Crudup!
 When in motion, it has been brought to my attention that it almost looks like I’m not wearing shoes. Instead just little black toelits. Shoes: Old Navy
I got the Rolly on my arm. Alright, ignoring this clearly flawless smile please note the accessories. The gorgeous dahling! Bird Charm Necklace: Vintage (unknown), Watch: Anne Taylor, Chain bracelet: Vintage (unknown), Leather cuff: CC Skye

Blooper. But the face is priceless.

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