Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vest Yo Best

I have a problem… I always revert to black. I'm the Johnny Cash of fashion. Instead of "the man in black," you can call me the WHOA-man in black. Get it? Like woman, except whoa. Feel the excitement? I try, TRY, different colors but this is my perfect fit. Its home, its comfortable. I mean it could be 80-some degrees, like ‘twas yesterday, and I choose this over other items. Partly because I haven’t shaved in days, but hey who does anymore? Just me? Alrighty. Regardless I couldn’t let this emo-chic outfit stand alone. I must add beautiful accessories that shimmer and shake! A little bling goes a long way and I definitely am not trying to look like a real housewife. Perhaps just an Indie Housewife of Columbia. Minus the housewife plus the college student. Top: H & M, Leggings: FOREVER21, Vest: Zara’s, Shoes: Converse

I couldn’t resist the tabletop pose. Very Walmart-photography-esque, but cheaper. And by cheaper I mean free. Hello 90’s!

Hand on the hip- CLASSIC. Full outfit in view, winning! Headless lady, super winning!

 Wrists on wrists on wrists. Please try to ignore my natural beauty and concentrate on the bracelets. I know its difficult.
Photo shoot behind the scene. Sure you can’t see anything of apparel importance, but my roomie took this, and she deserves some credit. Major beauty shot going on. CoverGirl worthy? Vogue Italia Beauty? Definitely.

My kicks. They protect my feet, and have lasted a long while! Thanks Converse!

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