Monday, April 30, 2012

A Little Bird Told Me....

Today I was told I am adventurous. Ok, maybe it was only for having Szechuan sauce on my wok instead of teriyaki, but When in Rome! My friends will kill me for writing that…. But the night is young and I feel like “When in Rome” fits perfectly… “Well when in Rome…Yes?... Uhm do as the Romans do?” NAME THAT FILM! (I’ll give a hint, ANCHORMAN!) Total fave! But perhaps I'm adventurous for wearing shorts and ballet flats on a shitty weather day. Ding ding ding, found the winner! You see I have this problem of dressing weather inappropriate. Last week it was dressing in all black and in warm clothes on a 80-some degree day. Today it was dressing way to cool, and quite frankly, these albino colored legs just couldn’t handle the heat… or lack there of. Top: Old Navy, Shorts: Gap, Shoes: Old Navy, Necklace: Vintage (unknown) 
Since I am in American History, I find it only fitting to have a remake pic of George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Almost identical. Almost Famous… Love  Billy Crudup!
 When in motion, it has been brought to my attention that it almost looks like I’m not wearing shoes. Instead just little black toelits. Shoes: Old Navy
I got the Rolly on my arm. Alright, ignoring this clearly flawless smile please note the accessories. The gorgeous dahling! Bird Charm Necklace: Vintage (unknown), Watch: Anne Taylor, Chain bracelet: Vintage (unknown), Leather cuff: CC Skye

Blooper. But the face is priceless.

Let's Talk About Shoes, Baby

They house our feet and in the winter help keep us from catching pneumonia. Apparently when your feet are warm, the entire rest of your body almost maintains heat. How scientifically interesting, right? But as much as that statement may or may not be true, these kicks are nothing of the sort. I like the think of them more as just art. You collect paintings? I collect shoes. When in high school, wearing heals was stupid. I mean that’s what I thought. And now, I wear these pieces of art all over campus. And boy, do they kill. Yes I’ve complained about them before. You may ask why do you do this to yourself? Because I’m stupid? NO. I do it for the love of fashion. I love it. I do. Carrie (yes I’m using another SATC reference) married her Manolo’s in A Woman’s Right to Shoes, and hell, I would do that if I found the right pair of shoes. Yes, right pair of shoes… not right man…. Sorry fellas! So here is a compilation of my recently featured pairs.

BCBG Snake skin healed sandals. I would definitely say these are my favorite pair. Surprisingly enough, I can wear these shoes for a long period of time and have no pain! And aren’t they beautiful? The answer is YES!

Franco Sarto healed sandals.  I had originally planned on wearing these in the city on my Chicago trip. I decided to go a different route, 1. because if I had worn these I would have frost bite on my toes, and 2. if I had worn these I would no longer have feet. These are great kicks for short periods of time. But if you can brave le pain, keep on walkin’ (in them)!

Converse low tops. I can’t even tell you how long I’ve had these shoes. They’re reliable and add a certain edge to any outfit. But I will admit that from time to time, they can cause a little bit ‘o pain. But if you were being chased down the street, at least you could get a little farther than some of these other choices.

Report ankle bootie. These, along with my friend’s mother’s jacket, were my lifesaver in the Windy City. Not insulated, and no arch… Oh shit, there I go sounding like an old woman… BUT THAT IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT! They are warm and they are relatively comfortable. Plus I look like a total hipster in them. I was wearing these before it was cool…

Liz Claiborne patent leather ballet flats. The bubblegum Barbie flats remind me of some gummy shoes that caused a rather large scar on my left knee. Tragic story, lets not dwell… Thanks to the clearance section of my fabulous place of employment I came across these beauts and fell in love. 

FOREVER21 boots. Last but not least my boots. Whether I’m heading to work, or go to the County Fair these boots take me there! The great thing about them is they were cheap and they have lasted. Dress up, dress down! Lets wear them all around!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We're Going Streaking!

Get it? Streaks, another name for stripes? I’m wearing stripes on my shirt… ok. But not only stripes, also an Old School reference, all in one title. I’m the master. Back to the topic. Stripes! Candy stripers! Strippers…. NO! Stripers. Think the episode of Sex and the City when Carrie goes to see Big after his heart surgery. Don’t remember? Refuse to watch? To old to relate? Think of the 1940s. On track? Awesome. Now I am no “candy striper,” but just an every day gal, strutting around in uncomfortable shoes and silly outfits. I know they are, but their my silly outfits and thats who I am. Gotta problem? “You betta check yo self, befo you wreck yoself.” Back to topic, this happens all too often… I am no candy striper, just an every day gal, strutting around in uncomfortable shoes and silly outfits. Back on topic PERFECT. These “Tootsie Rapers,” as I like to call them, that I have been wearing are starting to do some serious damage. Lets just say a pedicure would not be enough. TOTAL RECONSTRUCTION TIME. I thought, "hey how about a nice ice soak", until I had a stinging pain through my entire leg. Nope opposite than what I wanted. Then I tried a hot water soak, still made no difference. Any recommendation for my poor little feet? They’re killin’ me! Top: FOREVER21, Skirt: FOREVER21, Shoes: Franco Sarto

 This is a rare occasion, an actual pose where I look normal. MUST DOCUMENT. It must be because it’s the morning…
 In case you haven’t noticed, my balcony is where its at. PICS ON PICS ON PICS. Yolo… That sounds awkward when I say it out loud… It must be that I’m just not “hip” enough to say that. HA.
 See what le wind does? Pretty effects. Also I must note I had a piece of sour candy in my mouth so lets try to resist the urge of setting this as the background pic on your phones gents.
 Those Italian sons o’ bitches…. These shoes kill. But they make me feel like Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. Oh Patrick Swayze, take this baby out from the corner!
 Clearly practicing my Pechanga. My shadow is doing the splits, what a slut.

Whats a girl to do without some bling? Alright there clearly is no bling here. Instead just some laid back, hip stuff man…. Bracelet: Vintage (unknown), Ring Finger: Vintage (unknown), Birdy Finger: A gift from a friend, all the way from Egypt!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Puppy Love

A gal’s best friend, that one being that will love you no matter what happens. Always loyal, but sometimes stubborn. Spoiled to the extreme, but a great cuddler. NO, I am not talking about any of my exes. I’m talking about those four legged hairy-monsters. DOGS! There has never been a point in my life when I didn’t have a little pup to snuggle up to. So when I learned that my apartment next year allowed dogs, I went nuts-oh! I dialed up the pops and put in a request for my faithful friend Sam. Naturally, a yes was returned and I said, “WOOOHOOO” and then there was barking (from the dogs on the other line, not me…)
But seeing as recently there has been a rise in people getting pups around me I needed to get my fill. I forced my friends from their homework to accompany me to the local dog shelter, The Central Missouri Humane Society, and came across this little girl, rightly called Peanut, as that is what she is. See if I didn’t have an over abundance of these little creatures, I would have adopted her on the spot. But that shouldn’t stop any of you. Seriously, when talking to the people at the Central Missouri Humane Society they said almost every week and a half a new bunch of animals come in. But the great thing about places like CMHS is if you can’t adopt any of their animals you can volunteer and help that way.
I love animals and hate to see them not getting any love from happy families. Plus, wouldn’t this little gal or any other little babe like her look great with a fabulous outfit? Not in a Cruella De Vil manner, whoa NO WAY! In a Bvlgari ad with cute animals way. DUH!

Check out all the great pets at:The Central Missouri Humane Society

Ps, in case you're wondering, Top:FOREVER21, Shorts: Cooperative, Shoes: Kimchi Blue (not shown), Necklaces: Urban Outfitters & Vintage (unknown), Cuff: Akira Chicago

Vest Yo Best

I have a problem… I always revert to black. I'm the Johnny Cash of fashion. Instead of "the man in black," you can call me the WHOA-man in black. Get it? Like woman, except whoa. Feel the excitement? I try, TRY, different colors but this is my perfect fit. Its home, its comfortable. I mean it could be 80-some degrees, like ‘twas yesterday, and I choose this over other items. Partly because I haven’t shaved in days, but hey who does anymore? Just me? Alrighty. Regardless I couldn’t let this emo-chic outfit stand alone. I must add beautiful accessories that shimmer and shake! A little bling goes a long way and I definitely am not trying to look like a real housewife. Perhaps just an Indie Housewife of Columbia. Minus the housewife plus the college student. Top: H & M, Leggings: FOREVER21, Vest: Zara’s, Shoes: Converse

I couldn’t resist the tabletop pose. Very Walmart-photography-esque, but cheaper. And by cheaper I mean free. Hello 90’s!

Hand on the hip- CLASSIC. Full outfit in view, winning! Headless lady, super winning!

 Wrists on wrists on wrists. Please try to ignore my natural beauty and concentrate on the bracelets. I know its difficult.
Photo shoot behind the scene. Sure you can’t see anything of apparel importance, but my roomie took this, and she deserves some credit. Major beauty shot going on. CoverGirl worthy? Vogue Italia Beauty? Definitely.

My kicks. They protect my feet, and have lasted a long while! Thanks Converse!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Not Your Typical Monday Night.

Ok I kid. This is your typical Monday night, well maybe not yours (YES YOU) specifically, but mine. Listen, honey… I’m home and I had a hard day, pour me a cold one? And oh… by the way…. How does the rest go? I know there are some Shania Twain fans out there! My bff, partner in crime, other half and so on, growing up lived on a farm and always took me to rodeos. I LOVED IT! We watched horses do their thing and the cows and the cowboys. You know, typical rodeo things. But as we got older we lost touch, but the music I listened to at those rodeos never left me. Thanks for that friend! Ok, laggin’ on the subject. I came home tonight to see my friends hangin’ out and what not and told them, “hey, lets document this cuteness” and they said, “NO.” But then I said, “You better…” and they laughed. And after a couple of minutes of this they finally gave in to my overbearing-ness and these pics were produced. So please, while reading this, remember rodeos and glitter, and Rhinestone Cowboys and my friends. Thank yah.
Shoes: Report, Pants: American Eagle Outfitters, Shirt: Best American Clothing Co. (discovered in the racks of Goodwill) Necklace: FOREVER21 (not shown)

 You are intrigued by this view. I can tell… My eyes are drawing you in. Closer, closer, closer. NO! NOT TO MY BUM! To the pattern of this blouse.
 See now I will just stand here all awkward, as all I can think of is the pattern of this blouse, and how to pose creatively. CHALLENGES! I loathe them!
 I attempt to be a little teapot, short and stout (definitely got that part down). Here is my handle, here is my spout. If you were to tip me over, I would just allow a big, hard fall to happen then laugh uncontrollably.
 See? Short and stout. But can’t complain about that cheekbone definition. There is some “Blue Steel” happening right there. Can’t stop it. Just happened. BOOM.
 It's the end of the night, I've got work to do. But I'm le tired... So instead I will make half of my legs disappear to appear even shorter. Great pose though right? Right. 

For a closer look at my fave Report kicks take a look here. Yes, right here. Aren’t they fab? And comfortable too. They are the purrrfect shoe!

Ps. A special thanks to Sara and Meg for letting me use their room. You guys are schpectacular!

Back and Ready for Action!

Guess who’s back… Back again…. Shay-dy’s back… Tell a friend! Seriously though, tell them! I have come back with gifts! Gifts for your eyes. I have documented my Chicago trip for all of you and yes. It was rather lovely. Unfortunately not all pictures made it passed the “Sudden Death” portion of my competition to be featured, much like the battles in The Hunger Games. These pictures showed the odds were in their favor. Not as fashionable as interesting… Yes very interesting… But you be the judge on mah wardrobe.
If Lenny Kravits was my stylist he would definitely approve. I ventured 6 vigorous hours to the Land of the Wind (the Windy City) and settled on sleeping in this. Pretty gangsta, right??? Aight.
As blurry as this picture is, I think it captured the moment… My only friend during this weekend was a German Shepherd christened Marley. He truly was a sport. Miss you already bud!
The crew departing our lovely homestead for the weekend to fight ruthless shoppers and tourists (ok we were just as much ruthless as they). Who’d have known it would have been winter in Chicago?
Busy, busy, busy… What they call work, I call play!
Fancy-schmancy. Total city chick with the high bun, blazer and Starbuck coffee.
She finds being so tall a burden. At my height I find it fabulous. Photo shoot in A’gachi anyone?
Shoes: Report, Dress: Yaya: Nom De Plume, Blazer: H & M, Necklace: Topshop

‘Caus this city, is my city, and I love it. My view during lunch. 95th floor of the John Hancock.

 Now on my final day before I departed I was forced to climb this tree and snap a few shots… I was totally fine with this idea until I realized climbing in heels was a bad idea and I was stuck. That foot and a half of space seems like 10 feet to me!
 After a weekend well shopped a gal can still pose. Kudos! Jeans: Gap Brand Denim, Top: unknown (purchased from Plato’s Closet). Scarf: Purchased at the Maxwell Street Market (pashmina and silk), Shoes: Office by Topshop (not shown, reference Tree Hugger photo)

And now we rest.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Midnight Madness

Seeing as this is my second day of neglecting my posts (I promise I am not forgetting, I’m just a busy gal!), I figure why not a “Midnight Madness” post? Displayed is a collection of photos taken from the past two nights. A little more girly than the last few but not making me look like a sissy in any way, shape, or form…. I’m one tough cookie! But let me tell you, the killer shoes I’ve been prancing around in have caused some unsightly blisters on these phalanges. And that’s no good seeing as I’ll be marching the streets of Chi-Town this weekend, I must be in my best shape. But beauty is pain, and love is pain, and love is fashion. So there yah go the mathematical fashion lesson. Keep it in your notebooks and highlight it!
 Who says denim is just for our bums? Probably no one these days since everyone seems to be wearing them in all sorts of ways, who’da thunk it? I think I may have come across a pic of my dad some time ago rockin’ an all jean outfit (circa 1980/1990 something). Yah did me proud dad. But instead of denim both hither and thither I’ve decided to take this Hollister Dude’s button up and pair it with a flowy high-waisted printed skirt and some “Dirty Pop” (a-thank you N’Sync) tangerine and bubble gum pink ballet flats. Top: Hollister Co., Skirt: Kimichi Blue, Shoes: Liz Claiborne
Statue O’ Liberty minus the flame and book. Replaced by watches and little to no balance.
 “Sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about, what's the deal with this pop life and when is gonna fade out? The thing you got to realize what we doing is not a trend. We got the gift of melody, we gonna bring it till the end”
I always had a crush on Lance Bass… How about you?
“Those other girls must be crazy if they think they’re gonna beat me, honey boo boo child!” This is my Toddlers and Tiaras pose. I totally could have beat some of those ceramic dolls with my killa style.

 This pic is strictly for accessories, not for you to check out my totally hot bod. Although I do know it’s irresistible. I mean check out them grandma hands. HOT STUFF. Necklace: Vintage (unknown), Belt: Target (on sale now, $14.99), Bracelet: Vintage (unknown)

This pic is to show you my madness. It was taken at 12-something tonight after 9 hours of working on a storyboard for my TAM 1200 class. Alls’ I’m sayin’ is I think I made it out looking pretty darn ok. Maybe a little crazed, but eh, that comes with the title. What am I talking about… THERE IS NO TITLE! Ok officially 1:40 in the a.m. I have a long day a head of me and my eye sockets are getting dry and droopy. Night ya’ll!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Big City Dreams

Being from a small town, and now attending school in an even smaller town, I dream of the future when I live in a major metropolitan city. I used to watch shows like Sex and the City (ok I still do), and movies like Confessions of a Shopaholic (is it a coincidence her name is Rebecca? Yes spelled different but still that’s my name.) But last Sunday was the premier of HBO's Girls, and I couldn’t have been more excited!
 I feel like all of the characters are very relatable, well minus the parents being famous, and easy to like. I mean we all have that friend that is the free spirit, the one that is mom, the one that wants to be like by everyone, and the one trying to find herself. Lena Dunham’s humor is very blunt and dry, but she’s brilliant! Her character is an overweight 20-something whose life is falling apart. She just lost her internship, her parents have announced they are no longer helping her financially, she has a terrible relationship (if it can even be called that) with a judgmental guy, and she overall just can not catch a break.
But after reading on an article dubbed “In Defense of Girls: Why We Think Haters Need to Step Back” written by Annie Georgia Greenberg for Refinery29 I noticed that some critics aren’t taking too well to this new show. Ms. Greenberg is totally in support of this new hit, but she is criticizing others that think it is unrealistic and now small town girls will not want to move to the “big, scary city.” That may be true and those critics are entitled to their own opinion, but not everyone thinks that way. To be honest, I respect this show and the characters for being real; not stick thin women who shop all day and live in the ultra-posh Upper East Side on the Wonderland many of us call Manhattan.

Monochrome Color Blocking

 Yes I know, I am a day late. My sincerest of apologies. But just think you can, “Double your pleasure, double your fun… With Doublemint Gum.” NO! These next posts. I feel with the recent resurgence of bright primary and pastel colors in fashion, people only see color blocking with those tones. I don’t necessarily feel that way. Whilst rummaging the racks at my local Goodwill, I found this “color-blocked” Granny shirt. My friend eyed this shirt with an, “Ew. Why the hell are you holding that” look. I simply replied, “You don’t see things the way I do.” It’s true, its like I have special vision or something… Only joking! But back to the story, I tried the top on and wallah! It was like magic, she saw it in a whole other way… My way. I threw on my favorite brown leather (pleather) jacket and le outfit was complete. I feel like a rock star, kind of look like one too, right? Top: Casual Corner, Jacket: FOREVER21, Jeans: FOREVER21, Boots: FOREVER21, and Necklace: Borrowed from Andrea Pabon (what we like to call vintage.)
This is my British guard/ “hey I am hella awkward” pose. Fo sho.
 "It's-a me, Mario Rebekka!"
These boots were made for walkin'.