Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's Just Say I'm "Fashionably Late"

I must admit keeping up is very hard, that is when you’re living the life of a grown up. But to be successful in life, you must never give up! Remember that kids, the key to success is not throwing away your dreams, instead stand firm you can be like me… Or what I will be in a matter of years. Now I understand there has been a void of posts, and I offer my sincerest apologies. After a recent family get together, I realized I have to keep up. If not for me… For others. MUST DISPLAY FASHION SENSE OF HUMOR. Plus I’ve got friends in low places…. Where the whiskey drowns and... any Garth Brooks fans? Yes Missouri has turned this country hate-ah, into a country love-ah! But back to point, a friend of mine told me she enjoys reading my blogs because I make her laugh… mostly at me and not with me. But as long as my stupidity brings humor to this world, I will continue to deliver it! Now that I am no longer working with my ever-genius first mate, Andrea, I am forced to either take pics on my own. Prepare for some serious junior high selfies in the upcoming posts. I’ll try to continue the non-stop innovative poses, but trying to work an iPhone camera to show entire outfits is a craft all itself. So here my friends, my most recent attempts at "dressing to impress."

And so begins the self pictures. See no face, no expression… This is painful because
I want you to view what is a horribly awkward moment for me, yet moment of pure pleasure for you. You are probably wondering, does she always keep her sleeping quarters this tidy? No. This is a good day, hence the pile of schnasty clothes on the floor. But at least the bed is made… I think.
Top: Primacy (Vintage from Maude V.), Jeans: FOREVER21, Belt: The Limited, Shoes: Nine West, Cuff: Vintage (unknown)
Ahh, the always reliable “Flamingo” pose. Get it? Flamingos crank one limb up sometimes… Or is it an Ostrich… I can never remember. Regardless this is muh Mother’s Day outfit. Hip, fresh, springy. Oh yeah that’s my dog in the background. He chills.
Dress: H & M, Jacket: FOREVER21, Belt: Target, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Cuff: Vintage (unknown)

Now that’s a dress! On this particular Mother’s Day I journeyed across the wild plains of Illinois to the historic town of New Salem. That’s where Abraham Lincoln lived for six years kids. As many of you Illinoisans know, the summers here in the Mid-West can get pretty unbearable. Many people wear practically nothing. Some people prefer to go in the buff (when in Rome!) But if forced to wear something like that in this heat, I’d die. Jeesh, I’d be sweating more than I already do… and honestly, that’s A LOT.
Alright. Its time to peace. Until next time... Which I promise is not in the distant future. Stay hydrated my friends.

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